it's the end of the week and I have to say it went by super quickly.
Maybe the best news first:
I am now definitely going on the German trip! So from the 25th to 28th of November I will accompany 20 2nd and 3rd years, Kathleen and Paul to the christmas markets in Cologne and Koblenz, a Rhine tour, the chocolate factory and Phantasialand!!! This is so exciting because, for a change, I can show them some my country and be a mediator between the two cultures. I will let you know how it was :)
The other thing I wanted to tell you about was a TY trip to Dingle, which I was allowed to go to. The plan was:
Climbing wall in the morning
Aquarium afterwards
See Fungi the dolphin in Dingle bay
At the climbing walls the students had much fun. Some of them were done fairly quickly and some others had to be taken off the wall by the time we wanted to leave. Even I tried it and got to the top (of the easier ones :D)!
And I met an Irish guy who had worked in Germany for 2 or 3 years and who spoke very good German. But you could hear straight away that he had been living in Bavaria xD It was very funny!

The tour through the Aquarium was interesting. Among others we saw sharks, sea horses, a giant turtle and Piranhas. And I got to touch another star fish.

Later on there was a boat tour planned to Fungi. Fungi is the (apparently only one) dolphin that has been living in the Dingle bay for the last 33 years and is one of THE tourist attractions. What happens is that you drive around the bay on a boat for an hour hoping for Fungi to show up. By the way: Fungi reminds me so much of the word fungus that I accidentally said "Fungus" at one point, which got me a good laugh from the TYs ;) We were not so lucky and only saw his fin a couple of times. So it was not as interesting as the wild dolphins we saw last week.

After getting back to the harbor we had an hour off so Gloria, another teacher, and I went to try the famous deep fried Mars bar. It was really really good but half of it would've been plenty so we spent the rest of the time strolling around town.
We were back at six and dinner was waiting for me so it was a nice ending for a good day :)
Next week is fairly busy for the TYs. They are on lots of trips but I think I will stay at school and help Kathleen. Thursday is off for the students since it's a "day of learning" for the teachers, which might be interesting. And on Friday my parents are coming over which I am very excited about! :)
I'll talk to you soon! Have a good night :)