Freitag, 28. April 2017

Dublin .... again

Halli hallo hallöchen alle zusammen :)

Today I am going to tell you about the last weekend in January. We had another assistant meeting in Dublin, so Friday afternoon I met up with Lena and Isabel in Tralee to travel up to Dublin together.

We booked into our hostel with Sophie and Louis and had a relaxing night. We listened to some live music and I brought them to my favorite pub in Dublin (the one with the buzzer). The seminar was surprisingly good and afterwards we were taught some Irish and even some Irish dances, although I must admit that I'm not practicing enough. As soon as it finished, Lena, Isabel and I ran across Dublin to make it to our bus in time and we even succeeded ;)
That night we went out in Tralee and the next morning Lena brought me to the bus stop so I was home nice and early (and super wet from the half hour walk in the rain) on Sunday :)

So many lovely colorful doors in Dublin! They look great!
Us girls (and Louis) had to go into the Disney shop where we fell in love with the little princesses <33
Dublin at night .... Romantic :)
Live music in one of our favorite pubs :)
The gang ;)
Dublin on a rainy day ...
And welcome to a crowded major city ...

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