Sonntag, 2. April 2017

First Two Weekends Back

I've been back in Ireland for a good while now and I never got around to tell you all about the great craic, amazing travels and beautiful scenery that I experienced lately. Now I will try to write post by post until I'm up to date ... (wish me luck!) Here are a few impressions about what welcomed me back to my second home in the first two weeks.

This is the lovely view out my window that I love so much! It was great to return to that scenery and the sea :)

I also went for a little cycle one of the days and got some great views over the water (which is the actual name of the place that you can reach by going over a bridge).

But Cahersiveen also welcomed me back with some hail believe it or not...

Sunday afternoon Paul took me for a walk to the Kimego forest which is completely different to the forest I would have next doors at home but it is a beautiful spot in the world with (surprise) nice views! Even better pictures will follow ... 
They even had a "Christmas tree", where people would just hang up decorations (not only for Christmas) but unfortunately it was cut down just a few weeks later ... :(

This is Kevin, one of the "lads" (Irish word for guys, but doesn't necessarily have to be male). They brew their own beer which we tasted the first weekend I was back. It is really nice! :)
The weekend after we had a little session in their house. We had all sorts of guitar, cachon, bouzouki (never saw this before!) and singing going and the drinks were going down handy enough... ;)

And I finally saw the original "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" with Siobhán! :) It's apparently popular to watch it around Christmas.

So that was the first two weekends that were fairly packed with nice activities and there is a lot more yet to come .... :) 

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